
EY Interview Questions

3 Jul 2023
18min read

About EY

EY, formerly known as Ernst & Young, is one of the largest multinational professional services firms in the world. It provides a wide range of services in the areas of assurance, tax, consulting, technology, and advisory services to clients across various industries.

EY has a global presence with 300,000 employees in 150 countries serving clients across various industries such as financial services, technology, consumer products, energy, healthcare, manufacturing, and more.

EY places a strong emphasis on professional development and offers learning and growth opportunities to its employees.

EY Interview Process

The EY interview process typically follows three stages of selection. They are Online Assessment, Technical interview, and HR interview.

Online Assessment: This round consists of three sections that assess the aptitude, logical and verbal ability, and coding skills of the candidate.

  • Aptitude test: This round consists of 30 MCQs that evaluate numerical and problem-solving skills.
  • Logical and Verbal ability: This section also includes 30 MCQs and evaluates logical reasoning and English language proficiency.
  • Coding test: This test evaluates the coding skills of the candidate and requires knowledge of programming concepts like data structures and algorithms to clear the test.

Technical Interview

Candidates who clear the online assessment are qualified for the technical round. In this round, the technical skills and knowledge is assessed for the position applied. Candidates should have a thorough knowledge of the programming fundamentals like RDMS, operating systems, DML, etc., and they should also revise their knowledge of their project work. For an experienced candidate, the questions about previous work experience are also discussed in this round.

HR Interview

In this round, the candidate's personality, background, and fit with the company culture is assessed.

Some of the common HR interview questions you can expect -

  1. Tell me about yourself.
  2. What do you know about EY and our services?
  3. How does your previous experience relate to the role you are applying for?
  4. What are your key strengths and how will they contribute to your success at EY?
  5. Can you describe a challenging situation you faced in the past and how you resolved it?
  6. How do you handle working in a team? Can you provide an example?
  7. What motivates you in your work and how do you stay motivated during challenging times?
  8. How do you handle multiple priorities and deadlines?
  9. Tell me about a time when you demonstrated leadership skills.
  10. How do you handle conflicts or disagreements in the workplace?
  11. Can you provide an example of a time when you had to adapt to change?
  12. What are your long-term career goals and how do you see yourself progressing at EY?

EY Technical Interview Questions: Freshers and Experienced

1. What do you understand by Normalisation?

Normalisation is a technique used in database design to minimise data redundancy and dependency, resulting in a more efficient and organised database structure.

2. What do you understand by the Object-Oriented model?

The Object-Oriented model is a programming paradigm that organises software design around objects, which are instances of classes. It encapsulates data and behaviour within objects, promoting modularity, reusability, and maintainability. It emphasises concepts like inheritance, polymorphism, and encapsulation, enabling the modular and structured development of complex systems.

3. What do you understand by Transparent DBMS?

A Transparent DBMS refers to a database management system that hides the complexities of data storage and retrieval from the users or application programs. It allows users to interact with the database without needing to have knowledge of the underlying implementation details.

4. What do you understand by a Deadlock?

Deadlock is a situation in a computer system where two or more processes are unable to proceed because each is waiting for a resource that is held by another process.

5. What do you understand by an Interface?

An Interface is a blueprint for a class. It contains static constants and abstract methods. It is a way to achieve abstraction.

6. What do you understand by Memory Management?

In a computer that supports multiprogramming, the operating system stays in some part of the memory and the rest is used by different processes. This task of dividing the memory among different processes is known as memory management.

7. What is the need for Memory Management?

We need Memory Management for the following reasons:

  • Efficient utilisation of the memory.
  • To minimise fragmentation.
  • To ensure data integrity when a process is being executed.
  • To keep track of the memory space used by different processes.

8. Give two major differences between Abstract class and Interface.

Following are the two major differences between an Abstract class and an Interface:

An abstract class can consist of both abstract and non-abstract methods. On the other hand, Interface can only consist of abstract methods.

An abstract class can provide an implementation of the Interface. On the other hand, Interface cannot provide an implementation of the abstract class.

9. Give two major differences between a Compiler and an Interpreter.

Following are the two major differences between a Compiler and an Interpreter:

A Compiler scans the program and translates it entirely into machine language in one attempt. On the other hand, a single statement is translated by an Interpreter at a time.

A Compiler is less memory efficient because it generates object code. On the other hand, an Interpreter does not generate any object code and thus is more memory efficient.

10. What is a thread?

A thread represents a path of execution within a process. A process can contain more than one thread.

11. What is the Securities Transaction Tax?

Securities Transaction is a direct tax that the central government collects. The government collects this on the gains and profits made on the domestic stock exchange, like shares, futures, and options.

12. How can you remove the trailing spaces from a string?

To remove leading and trailing spaces from a string, we can use the following two methods:

  • trim ()
  • strip ()

Example :

Input :

string_with_trailing_spaces = "Hello World"

# Using the strip() method to remove trailing spaces

string_without_trailing_spaces = string_with_trailing_spaces.strip()

Output :

"Hello World"

13. What do you understand about Synchronisation?

Synchronisation is the process of allowing threads to execute one after another. It controls the access of multiple threads to a shared resource.

14. What are some of the characteristics of a Data Link Layer?

The Data Link Layer has three major characteristics:

  • It handles problems that occur as a result of bit transmission errors.
  • It ensures data flows at a pace that does not overwhelm sending and receiving devices.
  • It permits the transmission of data to Layer 3, the network layer, where it is addressed and routed.

15. What is the purpose of the Garbage Collection in Java?

Garbage collection in Java is the process of reclaiming the runtime unused memory automatically. It destroys or deletes unused objects or garbage.

16. Which function is used for Garbage Collection in C and C++?

We use the free() function in C language and delete() in C++ for Garbage Collection.

17. What do you understand about NoSQL?

NoSQL refers to non-SQL or non-relational. It is a database that provides a mechanism for the storage and retrieval of data. NoSQL databases are used in real-time web applications and big data and their use is increasing over time.

18. Suggest a method of joining two tables.

In relational algebra, the operation used for joining tables is called the "join" operation. It combines two or more tables based on a common attribute or condition.

19. Which Bitwise operator is suitable for checking whether a particular bit is on or off?

Bitwise AND operator is suitable and efficient for checking whether a particular bit is on or off.

20. Differentiate between a string copy (strcpy) and a memory copy (memcpy)

The strcpy() function is designed to work exclusively with strings. It copies each byte of the source string to the destination string and stops when the terminating null character () has been moved. On the other hand, the memcpy() function is designed to work with any type of data.

21. What do you understand about Amortization?

Amortization is a process of paying off a debt over a while by making periodic payments. It is done to reduce the value of an intangible asset.

22. What do you understand by Impairment?

Impairment is a process associated with long-term intangible assets which have drastically reduced their value in the market.

23. What do you understand by Intercompany Reconciliation?

Intercompany Reconciliation is the process of reconciling transactions between two legal companies. In this transaction, one subsidiary is the consumer and the other one is the seller.

24. Why do we need Locks?

We need locks to ensure the isolation of property holds in transactions. For the same, we also need to ensure that data items are accessed in a mutually exclusive manner. In simple words, it means that when one transaction is accessing a data item then no other transaction can make changes to that data item. This is only possible with the help of a lock.

25. Differentiate between Exclusive lock and Shared lock.

A major difference between Exclusive locks and Shared locks is Exclusive locks allow both reading and writing operations while Shared locks allow only reading operations.


In conclusion, preparing for an EY interview requires a thorough understanding of the company, the role you are applying for, and your own experiences and motivations. While the specific questions may vary, it is important to be ready to discuss your background, skills, and how you align with EY's values and culture.

Take the time to practise and refine your responses to common HR interview questions. By doing so, you will gain confidence in articulating your thoughts and presenting yourself effectively.

Also be positive, confident, and authentic in your responses, allowing your personality to shine through and show your genuine enthusiasm for the opportunity to join EY.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What types of interviews can I expect during the EY hiring process?

EY may conduct different types of interviews, including HR interviews, technical interviews, behavioural interviews, and case interviews. The specific interviews will depend on the role you are applying for.

2. How should I prepare for an EY interview?

To prepare for an EY interview, research the company, understand the role you are applying for, review your resume and past experiences, practise common interview questions, and prepare examples of how you've demonstrated key skills and competencies

3. Are there any specific technical or industry-related questions I should prepare for?

EY interviewers may ask technical questions related to your field of expertise or the role you are applying for. Research the job description and industry trends to identify potential technical topics and be prepared to discuss them during the interview.

4. What are some key competencies EY looks for in candidates?

EY looks for candidates who possess skills such as teamwork, leadership, problem-solving, adaptability, communication, and a strong work ethic. Be prepared to provide examples that demonstrate these competencies.

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