Full Stack Development is one of the most challenging and rewarding careers in the tech industry. As technology continues to rapidly advance, the demand for Full Stack Developers is higher than ever before. In fact, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the job outlook for Full Stack Developers is expected to grow much faster than average in the coming years.
But what exactly is a Full Stack Developer? Simply put, a Full Stack Developer is responsible for developing both the front-end and back-end of a website or application. This includes everything from designing and coding the user interface to building and maintaining the server-side logic. As a Full Stack Developer, you'll need to have a solid understanding of multiple programming languages and frameworks and experience with databases, APIs, and other essential technologies.
Checkout the NxtWave's Full Stack Developer Course Syllabus that covers all these essential topics.
Who is a Full Stack Developer?
A Full Stack Developer is proficient in both the frontend (client-side) and backend (server-side) development of web applications. This means they work with everything from databases and server architecture to designing the user interface and experience.
A full-stack developer needs to have knowledge of a variety of technologies and tools that span the entire software stack, including programming languages, frameworks, libraries, and database management systems which makes them in-demand professionals.
Full Stack Developer Course Syllabus
A comprehensive Full Stack Developer Syllabus typically includes multiple modules covering different web development aspects. Here's a breakdown of the core topics covered:
Static Website Design
1. Software Development Fundamentals
- Importance of Frontend
- Fundamentals
- Syntax
- Debugging
- Tweaking Code
2. HTML Basics
- HTML Elements
- HTML Headings
- HTML Paragraphs
- HTML Button
- HTML Attributes
- HTML Images
- HTML Hyperlinks
- HTML Containers
- HTML Lists
3. CSS Basics
- CSS Rulesets
- CSS Properties
- CSS Colors
- CSS Units
- CSS Box Model
- CSS Margins
- CSS Paddings
- CSS Borders
4. Bootstrap Components
Course Project
Build Tourism Website by using HTML5, CSS3, and Bootstrap.
Responsive Website Design
1. Intermediate CSS
- Block vs inline elements
- CSS Selectors
- Class Selector
- Id Selector
- Type Selector
- CSS Specificity
- CSS Inheritance
- CSS Cascading
Course Project
Build a Responsive Food Munch Website by using HTML5, CSS3, and Bootstrap.
2. Bootstrap
- Bootstrap Grid System
- Bootstrap utilities
- Display utilities
- Flex utilities
- Sizing utilities
- Spacing utilities
- Navbar
- Buttons
- Colors
Course Project
Build a Responsive eCommerce Website by using HTML5, CSS3, and Bootstrap.
Programming Foundations with Python
1. Fundamentals of Programming
- Operators, Datatypes & Variables
- Strings & Numbers
- Conditional Statements
- Loops
- String Methods
- Functions
Introduction to Databases
1. Relational Databases
- Introduction
- Aggregation, Relationships, Join
- Querying
- ACID Properties
Full Stack Developer Course Syllabus PDF
Java Full Stack Specialisation
Programming with Python
1. Functions & Data Structures
- Recursion
- Lists and List Methods
- Tuples & Sequences
- Sets & Dictionaries
2. Object-Oriented Programming
- Classes & Objects in Python
- Attributes & Methods
- Inheritance & Polymorphism
3. Working with Python Standard Library
Developer Fundamentals
1. Introduction to OS & Networks
- Overview of OS Concepts
- Networks & Internet
- Network Layer
- Application Layer
- Web Servers
2. Working with Command Line
- Files & File System
- Managing System Packages
- Environment Variables
- Network & SSH
3. Collaborating with Git
- VCS & Git Repositories
- Staging Area & Commits
- Working with Branches
- Issues & Pull Requests
Java Full Stack
1. Java Fundamentals
- Data Types, Variables & Operators
- Reading Input & Formatting Output
- Conditions & Loops
- Arrays
- Java Collections
2. OOP with Java
- Classes & Objects
- Attributes & Methods (Instance, Static, Class)
- Abstraction
- Inheritance
- Public, Private, Protected Scopes
- Encapsulation
- Method Overloading & Overriding
- Interfaces
- Polymorphism
- Generics & Exceptions
- Multi threading
- Important Design Patterns
3. Backend with Spring Boot
- Overview of Spring Framework
- Building Java Projects with Maven/Gradle
- Building REST APIs with Spring Boot
- Consuming RESTful Web Services
- Working with Relational Data using JDBC
- JPA and Hibernate
- Uploading Files & Validating Form Inputs
- Writing Unit Tests
- Overview of Spring Batch
- Overview of Spring Integration
- Overview of Spring Cloud
- Overview of Spring AOP
Dynamic Web Applications
1. Introduction to JavaScript
- Data Types
- Variables
- Basic Operators
- Conditionals
- Loops
- Functions
- Arrays
- Objects
- Control Flow
- Comments
- Math Function
2. DOM Manipulation
- The JavaScript Console
- Introduction to the DOM
- Defining the DOM
- Select and Manipulate
- Important Selector Methods
- Manipulating Style
- Manipulating Text and Content
- Manipulating Attributes
- Local Storage
Course Project
Build a Todos Application using HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript.
3. Forms
- The form element
- The label element
- The input element
- The option element
- The optgroup element
- The button element
- The select element
- The textarea element
- Form validations and Input
- Validations
4. Array Methods
- Adding & Removing Elements
- Push
- Unshift
- Splice
- Pop
- Shift
- Finding Elements
- Find
- indexOf
- Concat
5. Events, Fetch & Callbacks
- How to add Event Listeners
- Callbacks
- Schedulers
- SetTimeout
- ClearTimeout
- SetInterval
- ClearInterval
- Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
- HTTP Requests using Fetch
- HTTP Responses
- Working with JSON data
Course Project
Build a Wikipedia Search Application using HTML5, CSS3, JS.
Intermediate JavaScript
1. Rest parameters and spread syntax
- Destructuring Arrays
- Destructuring Objects
2. More Objects
- Constructor Functions
- Factory Functions
- Constructor Method
- New keyword
3. Prototypes & ES6 Classes
- Built-in Constructor Functions
- Constructor Property
- Inheritance
- This in classes
4. This
- This in methods
- Window scope
- This in function declarations
- This in events
5. Asynchronous JS
Scope & Hoisting in JavaScript
1. Array Methods
2. String Manipulations
- Trim & split Methods
- ToUpperCase & ToLowerCase Methods
- Includes Method
Intermediate Responsive Web Design
1. CSS Layouting
- CSS Flexbox
- Display
- Ex-wrap
- Ex-grow
- Ex-direction
- Ex- ow
- Ex-shrink
- Justify-content
- Align-content
- Order
- Align-items
- Align-self
- Sizing Elements
- Overflow
- Box Sizing
2. CSS Media Queries
- Media Query
- Media Types
- Media Features
- Width, min-width, max-width
- Height, min-height, max-height
- Orientation
- Combining Multiple Media Features in a single Media Query
- Logical Operators (and)
- Logical Operators (,)
- Logical Operators (not)
React JS - Getting started
1. Introduction to React JS
- Why React?
- Stateful + Stateless components
- Hello World
- Introducing JSX
- Rendering Elements
- Components and Props
- State and Lifecycle
- Handling Events
- Conditional Rendering
- Lists and Keys
- Forms
- Composition vs Inheritance
- Thinking In React
2. CSS in JS
3. Routing
- Query parameters
- Path parameters
4. Authentication and Authorization
Course Project
Build an E-commerce application using React JS.
Capstone Project - Build a social networking web app
In this project, you will be developing a Social networking web app with popular features like posts, comments, etc.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why learn Full Stack Development?
Learning Full Stack Development is a great idea because it allows you to become a versatile professional capable of handling both front-end and back-end development. A Full Stack Developer uses a variety of technologies for building web apps to make them easy to use.
A strong reason for pursuing a career in Full Stack Development is the attractive salary it offers, especially in India. According to recent data, Full Stack Developer salary in India is ₹6.6 lakhs per year. This reflects the competitive compensation that individuals with Full Stack Development skills can survive in the job market.
What is the duration of a Full Stack Developer Course?
The duration of a full stack developer course can vary depending on the program and the level of instruction. Generally, courses that offer more in-depth instruction and real-world projects will take longer to complete.
This Full Stack Developer Course by NxtWave is beginner-friendly and comes with a duration of 8 months. Even a fresher with zero coding knowledge can easily understand the technical concepts and build real-world projects.
What is the cost of a Full Stack Developer Course?
The cost of NxtWave's Full Stack Developer Course is ₹55,000/-
It includes -
- Fundamentals and Full Stack Specialization Training
- Fast doubt clarification from 9 AM - 9 PM Everyday
- 24/7 Online Labs to practise coding
- 10+ Real-time projects to build
- Placement support to make you job-ready
What is included in the Full Stack Web Development Syllabus PDF?
The Full Stack Web Development Syllabus PDF typically contains a detailed curriculum, which includes both front-end and back-end topics. You'll will study topics on HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and React to Node.js, Express, MongoDB, SQL, and RESTful APIs, along with other technologies.
What are the job prospects after completing a Full Stack Developer Course?
Some of the job roles one can apply for after completing a full stack development course include Full Stack Developer, Web Developer, Software Developer, Front-end Developer, Back-end Developer, UI/UX Designer, and many more. Additionally, Full Stack Development is a constantly evolving field, which means that there are always new opportunities emerging for professionals who have the skills and expertise in this area.
Is it possible for a non-IT person to learn Full Stack Development?
Yes, it is possible for a non-IT person to learn full stack development. While having a background in IT or computer science can be beneficial, it is not a requirement, with the right mindset and dedication anyone can learn full stack development.
NxtWave has a proven track record of placing many Non-IT students in the Top MNCs.
Don't just take our word for it, hear from our learners'
Final thoughts
In conclusion, if you are looking to pursue a career in IT, Full Stack Development offers plenty of opportunities. The demand for skilled professionals in web development is on the rise, making it a promising career for freshers seeking to establish themselves in the IT landscape.
NxtWave's Full Stack Developer Program offers a combination of theoretical knowledge and practical experience. Through our fundamental training, you will understand the intricacies of coding more easily and effectively. Working on hands-on projects will provide freshers with the practical exposure needed to improve the skills and build a strong portfolio.