
Full Stack Developer Salary in India: 2023 Updated

7 Sep 2023
25 min read

As India's software developer population is set to expand and reach 5.2 million in 2023, the significance and skills exhibited by Indian software developers are hard to overlook. The notable contribution of Indian software developers is evidently the driving force behind tech evolutions and frequent advancement of this gigantic industry.

From artificial intelligence to the metaverse, developers' agile, adaptive and detailed expertise brings these technologies to fruition. Along with giving birth to revolutionary technologies, they consistently strive to assess loopholes, mend them and simultaneously create advanced methodologies to keep up with the volatile market trends.

Considering the agility and expertise this field demands, it is only fair to remunerate these professionals with high monetary benefits.

Full stack development is one such field leading the tech domain, wherein professionals juggle multiple responsibilities simultaneously. It is also a highly coveted and lucrative career among tech aspirants.

Wondering how? Let's find out!


Full stack development is a subset of software development comprising working with front and back-end technologies. Simply put, it is an assimilation of two roles- front-end and back-end development. Full stack developers are responsible for designing, developing, testing and regulating front and back-end applications, which include working on database operations while also managing the visual aspects of an application.

Some of the responsibilities that a full stack developer manages on a daily basis may include

  • Creating responsive, user-friendly interfaces using technologies and frameworks like CSS, React, JavaScript, Angular, etc.
  • Curating a seamless, intuitive and user-friendly front end experience for users
  • Managing back-end technologies like Django and Spring to create robust applications
  • Designing, developing and managing databases
  • Enabling external integrations in applications to extend website or application functionalities
  • Managing website deployment while managing the production environment and server configuration
  • Implementing a responsive website with compelling visual aspects that assist easy user interaction
  • Collaborating with project managers to work on potential bottlenecks, identify and eliminate bugs, and create easy communication channels to communicate technical aspects of a project as well as to keep up with future developments

This versatility offers them an edge over other developer roles in terms of role hierarchy as well as remunerative perks. Since full stack developers are proficient in both the front and back-end roles, they are often preferred over individuals specialising either in front end or back end development.

Career Outlook for Full Stack Developers

India is evidently leading the world of startups, comprising a whopping 92,683 registered startups in the nation, among which tech startups constitute nearly 27,000. As the number of tech startups continues to grow, organisations are looking for skilled professionals, hoping to leverage their expertise to further expand the growing tech sector.

The versatility of managing both front and back-end technologies is specifically sought after to conserve resources, and as a result, full stack developers are in high demand. Increasing acceptance of remote work is another factor drastically fueling this demand, enabling competent developers to connect with international clients and work on heavily lucrative projects.

According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, full stack developer jobs are set to experience a 30% growth in the number of job opportunities, while India’s leading job-finding website extends nearly 41,000 active job opportunities for full stack developers.

The given stats imply a concrete future for full stack aspirants while oncoming technologies such as augmented reality, IoT, mixed web applications, virtual reality and more point towards optimistic growth across diverse realms, making full stack a dynamic and lucrative career to opt for!

Factors Affecting a Full Stack Developer’s Salary in India

Just like global full stack development professionals, the Indian developer community enjoys a successful and profitable career as a full stack developer. According to Payscale, the starting salary for a full stack developer in India ranges from INR 7 LPA to 16 LPA. On the other hand, post building a significant experience and expertise in the domain, the salary for senior full stack developer roles often ranges from INR 9 LPA to 30 LPA, with INR 18.8 LPA as average annual salary.

These figures notably vary based on an array of factors, which may include location, role, employer, skills and more. The best way to land yourself a lucrative opportunity is by comprehending what these factors are and how they impact the amount a company offers you as remuneration.

Let us take a look at a full stack developer's salary based on diverse factors!

Full Stack Developer’s Salary Based on the Location

Work location is a major influencing factor with regard to the salary offered to a full stack developer. More than often, salaries depend on the cost of living, local economic conditions of the region, as well as the country where the employee is based. For instance, the average salary for a full stack developer in the USA and India varies distinctly. However, salaries received in India, in two different cities, such as Pune and Bangalore, also vary based on these factors.

Salaries in metropolitan cities tend to be on the higher side compared to the ones still developing their tech sector. Bangalore being known as the Silicon Valley of India offers a highly competitive salary. Given below is a detailed comparison of salary figures offered across different cities in India.

Location Average Annual Salary (INR)
Bangalore 806,944
Mumbai 617,498
Ahmedabad 481,536
Hyderabad 792,138
Chennai 705,366
Pune 751,465
New Delhi 591,795

Full Stack Developer’s Salary Based on the Employer

Just like the quality of education varies based on the college you enrol in, full stack, or salary for any other role varies based on the type of employer you work under. Salaries vary company-wide, as well as based on the type of industry the company belongs to, which may include finance, entertainment, technology, healthcare and more.

The competitive nature of the industry, along with the company's current market reputation, greatly impacts how well its employees are being paid. Larger companies with significant revenue tend to offer more lucrative opportunities to their employees, compared to startups, just initiating their journey to growth.

Work opportunities under global tech giants like Google are a dream for many aspiring full stack developers. Compared to other companies, Google employees are some of the most well-paid, all thanks to its market reputation, extensive revenue stream and the lucrative job roles they offer, along with a bunch of additional perks.

Let's explore how other prominently known companies are paying their full stack developers on average in India.

Employer Average Annual Salary (INR)
Tata Consultancy 482,800
Infosys 454,540
Capgemini 575,000
Cognizant 600,000
Amazon 800,000
Google 888,514
IBM 880,806

Full Stack Developer’s Salary Based on Skills

The number of skills a full stack developer brings to the table is one of the biggest deciding factors regarding the salary they’re offered. Besides being a competitive trait against other developers in the initial stages of recruitment, diverse skills also attract higher pay for many aspirants hoping to secure attractive development opportunities in the market.

All full stack developers are required to have an established set of skills that can help them attain fluency in their work processes with efficiency and expertise. However, specific skill sets that might not be present in the job description are often appreciated by recruiters, inculcating that aspirants can easily bag job opportunities in reputed organisations. Skills are what help aspirants stand apart from the crowd.

Proficiency in more than one programming language is a common expectation from a full stack applicant. However, additional skills such as .NET can significantly increase your chances of getting hired at a high salary. Therefore, acquiring efficiency in such domains can help you obtain a lucrative role in one of the reputed tech companies.

Here are a few skills and the related salary figures offered to Indian full stack developers on average.

Employer Average Annual Salary (INR)
Python 633,076
SQL 699,344
Java 813,280
Node.js 662,464
Javascript 649,331
React.js 680,209
Angular.js 608,778
Angular 803,762
.NET 902,306
Spring 804,060

Full Stack Developer's Salary Based on Experience

Employees at the senior level receive a high compensation compared to their subordinates at the early or mid-stage of their career. Wondering why? It all comes down to the amount of experience an employee has to manage workload, make decisions, and implement the right skills at the right time. Entry-level or early-career employees hold limited to no professional experience, which makes them prone to commit mistakes.

On the other hand, with years of experience under their belt, employees require little to no help with their work while exhibiting exceptional performance for tasks. Lack of experience hinders performance, timelines as well as revenue that the company aims to generate. With experienced professionals as a part of your team, the chances of delivering better services to their clients are much higher.

Experienced employees are invaluable assets of a company; therefore, the level of experience is an important factor for full stack developers to estimate their salaries. The table below showcases stark differences between the salary figures offered to employees with varying levels of experience. Let's have a look!

Employer Average Annual Salary (INR)
Entry Level (0-1 years) 391,670
Early Level (1- 4 years) 592,016
Mid Level (5-9 years) 11,60,428
Experienced (10-19 years) 18,86,618

What Skills are Required to be a Full Stack Developer?

In today's job market, professionals with full stack development are in high demand. They work on the front-end, back-end, databases, and APIs. Having versatility with languages like JavaScript, Python, and Java frameworks like React, Node.js, and Django and skills in testing, security, and learning new technologies is key. These full stack developer skills allow them to build an entire feature or product from start to finish. Let's explore more about this skills.

Technical Skills

  • Efficiency in Programming Languages: Needless to say, proficiency in leading programming languages like Python, HTML, CSS, C, or Javascript is necessary to get started with full stack development.
  • Front end technologies: In order to work on front end development, technologies such as Angular, Bootstrap, Flutter, Vue.js and NPM are necessary to learn.
  • Back end technologies: Since the role of a full stack developer also comprises developing and managing back end systems, knowledge of Ruby, Laravel, PHP, Spring and more is highly preferred.
  • Database Management: Full stack developers are responsible for harnessing relational and NoSQL technologies to design and develop databases.
  • Version Control: Full stack developers are frequently required to work with version control systems like Git, enabling smooth collaboration while keeping track of all the changes implemented.
  • User Experience (UX): Full stack developers also need to cultivate a user experience skills to work on the visual aspects of an application or website. This may include proficiency in user research, information structure, wireframing and more.

Soft Skills

  • Time management: Since developers have to manage a bunch of tasks simultaneously, time management skills are essential to adhere to deadlines, ensure quality, allocate resources as well as ensure overall productivity.
  • Problem-solving abilities: Developers are bound to reach complicated dead-ends when working on extensive projects. Inheriting problem-solving abilities is a significant part of must-have soft skills for full stack developers.
  • Communication: In order to maintain a smooth workflow across different organisational components, developers need to hone communication skills, enabling all organs to function effectively. From sharing different perspectives on a project with non-technical teammates easily to active participation in discussions with stakeholders, full stack developers must inculcate effective communication skills to manage it all.
  • Collaboration: An extensive project cannot be worked upon individually. A team of skilled professionals from different disciplines are required to collaborate and bring a project to successful completion. Collaboration skills, therefore, are another addition a full stack developer must bring to their resume.

Final Thoughts

Full stack developer salaries in India are inclusive of the skillset they bring to the table, along with a length of professional experience. The best way to ensure you achieve that high pay is to keep up with the changing trends and consistently try your hands across new endeavours, adding to your professional growth!

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How much does a Full Stack Developer earn in India?

On average, a full stack developer in India earns around INR 7 to INR 16 LPA if they are in the early stages of working. On the other hand, with experience, this figure can go up, reaching INR 14 LPA or even INR 30 LPA.

2. Is Full Stack Developer a good career in India?

Full stack developer is a booming career in India among tech enthusiasts aiming to explore diverse technologies. Both national and multinational companies are on the lookout for skilled full stack developers, and India is one of the major hubs. Following the growing demand, more aspirants are aiming to choose full stack development as their career, making it a successful career in India.

3. Is it hard to become a Full Stack Developer?

Just as hard as any STEM career can get, full stack development does require a diverse skill set and experience, which can take years to obtain. However, the career is equally rewarding, further motivating aspirants to go for it!

4. Can a fresher learn full stack?

Yes, freshers can learn full stack development and kickstart a successful career as full stack developers by acquiring front end and back end skills. Leveraging online resources or getting enrolled in offline courses can help you navigate the journey of full stack development from a fresher to a seasoned developer.

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