
Top 20+ API Testing Interview Questions and Answers 2024

21 Oct 2024
3 min read

In today's software development industry, API Testing has become essential to ensuring software reliability and performance. APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) serve as the bridge between different software applications, allowing them to communicate and share data. The importance of API Testing lies in its ability to validate that APIs function as intended, handle edge cases, and integrate smoothly with other systems. In this article, we will provide an overview of API testing its importance, and the top 21 API testing questions asked in the interview.

Overview of API Testing and its Importance

API testing is a software testing process that focuses on verifying that application programming interfaces (APIs) function as intended. This type of testing evaluates the interactions between different software components, ensuring they communicate correctly and deliver expected responses. APIs serve as the bridge between different software applications, allowing them to share data and functionalities.

Types of API Testing

Here are the different types of API Testing used in software development to ensure the reliability and effectiveness of applications:

1. Unit Testing

This type of testing checks individual parts of the software (like functions or classes) to make sure they work correctly. Developers usually do this while coding to catch problems early.

2. Integration Testing

This testing checks whether different parts of the software work together properly. It helps identify issues that may occur when these components interact with each other.

3. End-to-End Testing

This type tests the entire application from start to finish, ensuring that all parts function together as they should in a real-world scenario.

4. Performance Testing

Performance testing evaluates how well the application performs under different conditions, looking at speed, scalability (how well it can grow), and stability. It often includes load testing and stress testing.

5. Functional Testing

This testing verifies that the software handles as per the specified requirements. It can be applied to both user interfaces and APIs.

6. Security Testing

Security testing checks for vulnerabilities and risks in the application to ensure that data and resources are safe from potential attacks.

7. Load Testing

This type assesses how the application performs under expected user traffic. It helps identify any performance issues that could arise during peak usage times.

8. Penetration Testing

Penetration testing simulates attacks on the application to find security weaknesses that hackers could exploit.

9. Reliability Testing

This testing ensures that the software consistently performs its intended functions without failure over time, even under various conditions.

10. Fuzz Testing

Fuzz testing is a technique that involves providing random or unpredictable inputs to an application to observe how it responds. It helps uncover vulnerabilities by testing how well the software can handle unusual inputs.

Uses of API Testing

Here are the uses of API testing for decision-making in software testing:

  • Reliability
  • Early Bug Detection
  • Improved Security
  • Performance Validation
  • Facilitates Integration
  • Documentation Accuracy
  • Enhances User Experience

Basic API Testing Interview Questions 2024

Here are the basic API testing interview questions and answers:

1. What is an API?

An API (Application Programming Interface) is a set of rules and protocols that allow different software applications to communicate with each other. It defines the procedures and data formats that applications can utilize to request and share information.

2. What are the key distinctions between an API and a WebService?

  • API: A broader concept that allows communication between software components. It can be implemented over different protocols (HTTP, TCP, etc.).
  • Web Service: A specific type of API that uses web protocols (HTTP, XML, SOAP) for communication. While all web services qualify as APIs, but not every API functions as a web service.

3. What are the limits of API usage?

Limits of API include:

  • Rate Limits: Restrictions on the number of requests allowed in a specific timeframe (e.g., requests per minute).
  • Data Limits: Maximum size of data that can be sent or received in a single request (e.g., payload size).
  • Concurrent Connections: Limits on the number of simultaneous connections or requests from a single user or application.
  • Timeouts: Maximum duration for a request to be processed before it is aborted.
  • Quota Limits: Overall usage restrictions over a longer period (e.g., monthly quotas).

4. Who can use a Web API?

Web APIs can be used by developers, applications, and services to integrate functionalities, share data, and build applications without needing direct access to the underlying code or database.

5. What are some architectural approaches for developing a Web API?

Common architectural styles for creating a web API include:

  • REST (Representational State Transfer): Uses standard HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) for operations on resources, promoting stateless communication for lightweight and easy-to-use APIs.
  • SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol): A protocol using XML for structured messaging, known for its robustness and security features, often used in enterprise applications.
  • GraphQL: A query language allowing clients to request specific data, reducing over-fetching and under-fetching, making it efficient for complex data relationships.

6. What are the advantages of API Testing?

  • Identifies issues early in the development process.
  • Automating API tests can speed up the testing process.
  • Less reliance on UI testing reduces costs and resource allocation.

7. What is API Testing?

API Testing is a type of software testing that involves verifying that APIs work as expected. This includes testing their functionality, reliability, performance, and security.

8. What are some common protocols used in API testing?

Common protocols include:

  • HTTP/HTTPS: The foundation of data communication on the web.
  • REST: Often uses JSON and XML for data exchange.
  • SOAP: Relies on XML for message formatting and HTTP/HTTPS for communication.

9. Why is API testing considered the most suitable form for Automation Testing?

API testing is suitable for automation because:

  • It’s easier to automate than UI testing due to less complexity.
  • Tests can be run quickly and frequently without user interface overhead.
  • APIs typically have well-defined inputs and outputs, making them ideal for script-based testing.

10. What are the key principles for designing API tests?

Key principles of API tests include:

  • Test Coverage
  • Positive and Negative Testing
  • Parameter Testing
  • Use of Automation
  • Version Control
  • Clear Documentation
  • Security Testing
  • Performance Testing

Advanced API Testing Interview Questions 2024

Here are the advanced API testing interview questions with answers:

11. What needs to be validated during API testing?

During API testing, below key aspects need to be validated:

  • Response status codes (e.g., 200, 404).
  • The data returned matches the request.
  • Error handling for invalid inputs.
  • Performance metrics under load.

12. What is the best approach method to perform API testing?

The best approaches for performing API testing include:

  • Automating Tests: Use tools like Postman or Rest Assured.
  • Using Version Control: Keep track of changes in API specifications.
  • Integrating with CI/CD: Ensure tests run as part of the deployment pipeline.

13. What tools could be used for API testing?

Popular tools used for API testing are:

  • Postman: User-friendly interface for testing APIs.
  • SoapUI: Perform testing for SOAP and REST APIs.
  • JMeter: Used for performance and load testing APIs.

14. What is API documentation?

API documentation is a technical manual that describes how to effectively use and integrate with an API. It includes details on available endpoints, request/response formats, authentication methods, and error codes.

15. What are the differences between API Testing and UI Testing?

  • API Testing: Focuses on backend functionality and data handling without a user interface.
  • UI Testing: Verifies the user interface and user interactions, typically focusing on the front end.

16. What are the major challenges faced in API testing?

Here are the challenges faced in API testing:

  • Poorly documented APIs can lead to confusion.
  • APIs may rely on multiple services, complicating testing.
  • Changes in data can affect test reliability.

17. What are the testing methods that come under API testing?

Common methods of API testing:

  • Manual Testing: Hands-on testing of API calls and responses.
  • Automated Testing: Scripts and tools used to perform tests automatically.
  • Load Testing: Assessing how the API performs under high traffic.

18. What is the test environment of API?

The test environment for API testing typically includes:

  • A dedicated server for the API.
  • Databases for testing.
  • Mock services to simulate API responses if necessary.

19. What are common API errors that are often found?

Common errors include:

  • 404 Not Found: The requested resource is unavailable.
  • 500 Internal Server Error: A generic error message indicating a server-side issue.
  • 401 Unauthorized: Authentication issues when accessing protected resources.

20. What kinds of bugs that API testing would often find?

API testing often uncovers:

  • Data Format Issues: Incorrectly formatted JSON or XML responses.
  • Validation Errors: Inputs not being properly validated.
  • Performance Issues: Slow response times under load.

21. How do API Testing and Unit Testing compare?

  • API Testing: Tests the API as a whole, checking its interactions and responses.
  • Unit Testing: Tests individual components or functions in isolation for correctness.


In conclusion, as software applications become increasingly complex, the role of API Testing continues to grow in significance. By preparing for both basic and advanced interview questions, candidates can showcase their expertise and readiness for roles in software testing. Understanding the importance of API Testing not only helps in interviews but also contributes to the overall quality of software products.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How can I prepare for API testing interview questions?

Familiarize yourself with common questions, and testing tools, practice code problems in API Testing, and perform mock interviews.

2. What should I include in my portfolio related to API Testing?

Consider adding examples of your work with API automation, performance testing, and any security testing you’ve conducted.

3. What are API security testing interview questions?

Questions may cover topics like authentication methods, data encryption, and how to handle vulnerabilities.

4. Are there specific API testing scenarios I should know?

Yes, common scenarios include testing for valid and invalid inputs, checking error handling, and verifying data integrity.

5. What is the difference between manual API testing and automated API testing?

Manual API Testing involves human intervention to execute test cases, while automated API testing uses scripts and tools to perform tests automatically.

6. What is a typical API documentation interview question?

You might be asked how you ensure API documentation is accurate and up to date during the testing process.

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