
Future-Proof Your Career: Unveiling the Top 9 In-Demand IT Jobs

10 Oct 2023
15 min read

After looking at the title of this blog, you might be wondering,” Why should we consider the ‘demand’ factor before pursuing a career? Aren’t we supposed to consider where our interests lie and what we are comfortable with?”

Well, you are correct, but only partially.

For job seekers, the ‘demand’ factor for specific jobs should be the driving force in their career decisions, perhaps now more than ever. With the job market witnessing new events such as the global COVID-19 pandemic, the onset of artificial intelligence resulting in the replacement of humans by machines, and waves of layoffs due to recession, it's important to know which jobs are still on the upswing.

Lately, there has been a lot of anticipation regarding the emergence of AI and, thus, the complete disappearance of a lot of roles. Yes, it is true. But what can’t be ignored is that whenever a new technology comes along, some jobs become irrelevant, but at the same time, new jobs are created as well.

Thus, there is always an opportunity in every adversity.

In this article, I will be walking you through the roles that have been the talk of the town lately and are emerging at an accelerating speed. The acquisition of these skills will not just future-proof your career but will keep you on par with recent technological advancements.

Exploring High-Paying IT Roles

Here is the list of Top IT Roles without coding:

Product management may mean different things to different companies. Sometimes it refers only to the research and development of a product. For others, it pertains to the launch and sales of a product. Other times, it refers only to the maintenance of a product.

In many companies, product management encompasses all these aspects of a product's lifecycle. Depending on the products and an organisation’s hierarchy, there may be one or multiple product managers in a company.

Product managers stay on top of business and consumer trends and behaviours that directly or indirectly affect the product or company.

In this role, the focus is on the success of a product, service, or product line, which contributes to a company or brand's overall success. The day-to-day schedule may include the following responsibilities and tasks:

  • Analysing customer requirements
  • Conducting research on a product, service, competitor, or market
  • Strategizing a plan for a product or service (development, packaging, launching, expanding)
  • Coordinating and communicating about a product or service with management, teams, and stakeholders
  • Gathering and analysing feedback about a product or service
  • Developing multi-year roadmaps for products and services

According to Glassdoor, the average salary for a product manager is ₹17 LPA in India.

Data Scientist

When Google launched their email service, Gmail, it started offering its customers 1GB of data storage. Even Bill Gates wondered who would need 1 GB of data storage.

Today, we know that when it comes to data, even experts like Bill Gates got their predictions wrong.

Data is the new oil of the 21st century. Free services on the internet are only available for free because they take our data as payment for their services.

The fact is, today, for our convenience, we are ready to sacrifice our data privacy. In fact, this is what data scientists do. They use our data to give us the best experience. Information is scattered around the internet. Organising this data in a meaningful way, interpreting it, and using it to build new products will be an in-demand job in the coming years.

Data scientists in the US get paid around Rs. 1 crore.

According to Glassdoor, the average salary for a data scientist is ₹15 LPA in India

Cyber Security Expert

We all certainly remember the SolarWinds attack in 2020, which affected numerous government agencies and organisations worldwide.

Several organisations have fallen prey to cyberattacks, including big names like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Yahoo.

The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic has triggered a rise in the number of cyberattacks across the globe. Hence, the field of cyber security holds paramount importance in today's times.

Cybersecurity professionals are experts in the field of information technology security. Their job is to ensure that networks are safe from external threats like hackers who seek access to the system for unethical purposes.

Cybersecurity skills are in high demand to protect sensitive information, infrastructure, and digital assets from unauthorised access, data breaches, and malicious attacks.

By understanding the latest security protocols, risk management strategies, and ethical hacking techniques, we can become an invaluable asset to any organisation.

A strong foundation in cybersecurity not only ensures the safety of digital assets but also builds trust in the ever-evolving digital ecosystem.

A few of the best cybersecurity companies are Cisco, Microsoft, McAfee, and IBM.

Knowledge of operating systems, networking, and virtualization are must-know in the cyber security domain.

Recent reports suggest that the global cyber security market is expected to reach 31.82 billion US dollars by the end of 2023, with a CAGR of 15.2 percent.

According to Glassdoor, the average salary for a cyber security expert is ₹12 LPA in India.

Machine Learning Engineer

It can be a bit complicated. So, let me try to explain it to you with the help of a story.

In 2017, an incident shocked the world. Stockfish 8 is a chess program that can calculate 70 million chess positions in a second. This program has decades of chess data to analyse.

In 2017, Google’s AlphaZero chess program played 100 games with Stockfish 8, and it didn’t lose even a single game.

The surprising thing is that no human taught AlphaZero how to play chess. It learned how to play chess by playing against itself, and that too, it taught itself in just four hours.

This is machine learning.

A machine learning engineer designs and builds systems that learn from data to solve problems. They collect and process data, create models, train them, and integrate them into real-world applications. They collaborate with experts, ensure models are accurate and fair, and keep them up-to-date over time. Their work combines skills in coding, data analysis, and domain knowledge to create practical AI solutions.

Of course, we look at Iron Man and think all of this will be really easy, but it’s not. A lot of times, the work can get repetitive and technical.

To train machines, we need to think like machines.

According to Glassdoor, the average salary for a machine learning engineer is ₹9.5 LPA in India.

Business Analyst

Business analysts help identify problems, opportunities, and solutions for their organisations.

They do this by:

  • Evaluating a company’s current functions and IT structures
  • Reviewing processes and interviewing team members to identify areas for improvement
  • Presenting findings and recommendations to management and other key stakeholders
  • Creating visuals and financial models to support business decisions
  • Training and coaching staff in new systems

Much like a skilled detective piecing together clues to solve a complex case, business analysts carefully dissect an organisation's inner workings. They examine its functions and structures, interview team members as if collecting witness statements, and present their findings to stakeholders just like a detective presents evidence to a jury. Just as a detective uses visuals and models to explain their deductions, business analysts create visual representations and financial models to support their strategic recommendations. Just as a detective trains and coaches their team to handle new challenges, business analysts train and guide staff through the implementation of improved systems, ensuring a seamless transition to a better business landscape.

According to Glassdoor, the average salary for a business analyst is ₹9 LPA in India.

Web Developer

This can be either about being a front end developer, a back end developer, or a full stack developer.

Every time we open a website, it has several UI components, and once we click on a particular icon, say ‘sign-in’, we get navigated to the sign-in or log-in page.

All these icons facilitate navigation and utility. These are collectively called the front end.

Thus, the front end, also known as the ‘client-side’, is the visible part of the website or web application that is responsible for the user experience, for example, presentation, design, and functionality.

In the ‘sign-in’ example used previously, an authentication server is responsible for verifying user credentials, such as usernames and passwords, to grant access to authorised users, while a user database securely stores user information, including hashed passwords and additional data, and session management creates and manages user sessions upon successful authentication, enabling access to restricted areas without the need for repeated logins, all while implementing security measures like password hashing, encryption, HTTPS, and protection against common security vulnerabilities to safeguard user accounts.

This is called the back end.

The back end, also known as the ‘server-side’ development of the application, comprises everything like the servers, operating systems, and APIs that ensure the proper functioning of the website, leading to a smooth customer experience. It is basically the software that accesses data for us.

A full stack developer is a versatile professional who possesses a comprehensive understanding of both front end and back end development. They are capable of working on all aspects of web application development, from designing user interfaces to managing databases.

According to Glassdoor, the average salary for a web developer is ₹8.8 LPA in India.

Data Analyst

Imagine you are shopping for shoes online. You visit different websites, put some items on your wishlist, some in your cart, and finally end up purchasing some.

Simultaneously, you are also shown recommendations under the tab ‘You may also like’, or ‘People who bought this also bought’.

What is surprising is that you weren’t looking for those in the first place, but those items somehow resonate with where your taste lies.


In this case, e-commerce websites have data from your previous purchases. This is where the role of data analytics comes into play.

Data analytics is the process of examining raw data to uncover insights, patterns, and trends that can inform decision-making and drive business strategies. It involves various techniques and tools to collect, clean, transform, and analyse data with the goal of extracting valuable information and gaining a deeper understanding of a particular phenomenon.

Data analytics has emerged as a crucial discipline in the age of information. With the exponential growth of data and advancements in computing power, the ability to extract meaningful knowledge from vast datasets has become a necessity for businesses, governments, and academia.

According to Glassdoor, the average salary for a data analyst is ₹6.6 LPA in India.

QA/Automation Tester

Imagine you're a chef preparing a complex recipe. Your goal is to ensure that every ingredient, technique, and timing align perfectly to create a delicious dish. However, even the most experienced chefs benefit from a fresh set of eyes to taste and assess the final result.

In the world of software development, Quality Assurance (QA) and Automation Testers play a similar role. They are like vigilant tasters who meticulously evaluate every aspect of a software application to ensure it functions flawlessly. Just as a chef might spot subtle flavour imbalances or presentation issues, QA/Testers identify even the smallest glitches and inconsistencies in the software.

Like assembling a multi-course meal, software development involves various components and stages. QA/Testers step in during the final stages to conduct comprehensive tests, meticulously reviewing the software's features, functionality, and user experience. They follow established test cases and scenarios, or they creatively devise new ones to challenge the application from different angles.

Automation Testers take this process a step further by creating scripts and tools that can automatically run tests, mimicking user interactions, and detecting potential errors. It's like having an automated sous chef who precisely measures ingredients and follows steps to perfection.

Just as a chef's final product aims to delight diners, QA/Automation Testers strive to ensure a seamless and satisfying user experience. Their work directly contributes to the reliability and quality of software applications, whether it's a mobile app, a website, or a complex software system. By meticulously testing, identifying issues, and suggesting improvements, QA/Testers help deliver products that meet high standards and exceed user expectations.

In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, where software powers everything from communication to entertainment, QA and Automation Testers hold a crucial role. Their attention to detail, problem-solving skills, and commitment to excellence contribute to the success of software products across industries. Just as a master chef's palate enhances the dining experience, QA/Automation Testers enhance the digital experience, ensuring that the software serves its purpose effectively and efficiently.

According to Glassdoor, the average salary for a QA/Automation Tester is ₹7.3 LPA in India.

Development Operations Engineer

A development operations engineer, also known as a DevOps engineer, is an IT generalist who has a wide range of knowledge in both software development and IT operations to ensure faster and more efficient software delivery.

The area of expertise of a DevOps engineer encompasses coding, infrastructure management, system administration, and DevOps toolchains.

DevOps engineers work to streamline and automate the software development and deployment processes, ensuring seamless collaboration between development and operations teams.

According to Glassdoor, the average salary for a DevOps engineer is ₹8 LPA in India.

Blockchain Developer

Have we ever wondered how we can make transactions more transparent, secure, and efficient in the digital age?

The answer is blockchain technology. For instance, the Central Bank of China has been testing its digital currency, the Digital Yuan, which relies on blockchain for secure transactions.

Additionally, the use of blockchain has been increasing in the art industry for verifying the authenticity of artwork.

Besides its association with cryptocurrencies, blockchain has become a game-changer across industries. It enables decentralised and immutable record-keeping, promising enhanced transparency and security.

From supply chain management to healthcare and finance, blockchain's potential is vast.

Blockchain developers are software developers who focus on this blockchain technology. There are mainly two types of blockchain developers:

Core blockchain developers: They develop and maintain the architecture of blockchain systems. Their job is to design protocols, develop security patterns, and supervise the network as a whole.

Blockchain software developers: They build applications on existing blockchain platforms.

Mastering the fundamentals of blockchain, such as distributed ledgers and smart contracts, can empower us to innovate and lead in a world of trusted digital transactions.

Companies that use blockchain are HSBC, Barclays, Walmart, and Pfizer, to name a few.

Blockchain developers need to know cryptography, data structures, and computer networking.

According to reports, by 2023, the market evaluation of blockchain is expected to reach 19.9 billion dollars, with a CAGR of 42.8 percent.

According to Glassdoor, the average salary for a blockchain developer is ₹7.2 LPA in India.


As we approach the end of this blog, you might think, “Why do we need to pursue jobs in IT or tech?”

Fair enough. You are not compelled to undertake this quest.

But pause a little and think for a moment. What is the one thing that drives the world, is omnipresent, and has advanced multiplefold in the last few decades?

It’s technology. It dominates every industry as it eases its functioning, even if it is not the main product. It has changed the landscape of all the leading businesses and will continue to do so.

Instead of second-guessing your relevance in a given field just because it keeps getting altered due to advancing technology, why not master the technology itself?

The future belongs to those who embrace technology and acquire the right skills.

In this article, we have taken a look at the top 9 in-demand and high-paying IT jobs. Mastering these skills will position us at the forefront of innovation and open up endless opportunities. and would keep us relevant in the future as well.

By investing our time and effort into these skills, we can equip ourselves with the tools needed to navigate the dynamic technological landscape. These skills not only enhance our professional value but also enable us to contribute meaningfully to the industries of tomorrow.

However, we recognise that embarking on this journey isn't always straightforward. The path to acquiring these skills might seem obstructed for many. Not everyone has access to top-notch educational institutions or the resources to attend traditional courses. That's where the power of online learning comes into play.

Online courses have transformed the landscape of skill acquisition. They break down barriers, transcending geographical limitations and financial constraints. With a laptop and an internet connection, you can tap into a treasure trove of knowledge and expertise. Whether you're a student, a professional seeking a career shift, or someone passionate about technology, online courses offer a way to upskill and reskill on your terms.

Moreover, these courses often come with interactive assignments, real-world projects, and peer collaboration, ensuring a comprehensive learning experience. The flexibility to choose courses based on your interests and career aspirations empowers you to tailor your learning journey to your goals.

Now what you are left with is to figure out which field seems the most fascinating to you and then to pursue it relentlessly. To help you make informed decisions and pave a clear path towards your dream IT career, we invite you to take the next step.

Unlock personalised guidance and insights by booking an online career guidance session with our team of seasoned career experts. Our experts understand the intricacies of the tech industry, the demands of each IT role, and the skills required to excel. Whether you're a student charting your educational journey or a professional seeking a strategic career shift, our guidance can be the compass that steers you towards success.

All the very best in this journey!!!

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