Backend Developer Course Curriculum
This Backend Developer course covers core technologies from basics to advanced levels:
Programming with Python
You will learn the fundamental concepts of programming and gain the confidence to code in Python. You will learn to write programs and use the right data structures to solve problems and build modular software with Object-Oriented Principles
- Recursion
- Lists and List Methods
- Tuples & Sequences
- Sets & Dictionaries
- Classes & Objects in Python
- Attributes & Methods
- Inheritance & Polymorphism
Developer Fundamentals
You will learn the essentials of Operating Systems, Networks and use some essential developer tools like Command-Line and Git. You'll learn to version your software with Git and push your code to GitHub
- Overview of OS Concepts
- Networks & Internet
- Network Layer
- Application Layer
- Web Servers
- Files & File System
- Managing System Packages
- Environment Variables
- Network & SSH
- VCS & Git Repositories
- Staging Area & Commits
- Working with Branches
- Issues & Pull Requests
Java Full Stack
- Data Types, Variables & Operators
- Reading Input & Formatting Output
- Conditions & Loops
- Arrays
- Java Collections
- Classes & Objects
- Attributes & Methods (Instance, Static, Class)
- Abstraction
- Inheritance
- Public, Private, Protected Scopes
- Encapsulation
- Method Overloading & Overriding
- Interfaces
- Polymorphism
- Generics & Exceptions
- Multi threading
- Important Design Patterns
- Overview of Spring Framework
- Building Java Projects with Maven/Gradle
- Building REST APIs with Spring Boot
- Consuming RESTful Web Services
- Working with Relational Data using JDBC
- JPA and Hibernate
- Uploading Files & Validating Form Inputs
- Writing Unit Tests
- Overview of Spring Batch
- Overview of Spring Integration
- Overview of Spring Cloud
- Overview of Spring AOP
Dynamic Web Applications
- Data Types
- Variables
- Basic Operators
- Conditionals
- Loops
- Functions
- Arrays
- Objects
- Control Flow
- Comments
- Math Function
- The JavaScript Console
- Introduction to the DOM
- Defining the DOM
- Select and Manipulate
- Important Selector Methods
- Manipulating Style
- Manipulating Text and Content
- Manipulating Attributes
- Local Storage
Todos Application
Build a Todos Application using HTML5, CSS3 and JS
- The form element
- The label element
- The input element
- The option element
- The optgroup element
- The button element
- The select element
- The textarea element
- Form validations and Input
- Validations
- Adding & Removing Elements
- Push
- Unshift
- Splice
- Pop
- Shift
- Finding Elements
- Find
- IndexOf
- Concat
- How to add Event Listeners
- Callbacks
- Schedulers
- SetTimeout
- ClearTimeout
- SetInterval
- ClearInterval
- Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
- HTTP Requests using Fetch
- HTTP Responses
- Working with JSON data
Wikipedia Search Application
Build a Wikipedia Search Application using HTML5, CSS3, JS
Intermediate JavaScript
In this course, you will learn the concepts like Events, Scope, Hoisting, this, ES6 Classes, Error handling, More about Objects and how to handle Asynchronous JavaScript
- Destructuring Arrays
- Destructuring Objects
- Constructor Functions
- Factory Functions
- Constructor Method
- New keyword
- This In Methods
- Window Scope
- This In Function Declarations
- This In Events
- Built-in Constructor Functions
- Constructor Property
- Inheritance
- This In Classes
- Async/Await
- Promises
Scope & Hoisting in JavaScript
- Map
- Filter
- Reduce
- Trim & Split Methods
- ToUpperCase & ToLowerCase Methods
- Includes Method
Intermediate Responsive Web Design
This course will help you to develop responsive layouts using CSS Flexbox and CSS Media Queries
- CSS Flexbox
- Display
- Ex-direction
- Justify-content
- Align-items
- Ex-wrap
- ex- ow
- Align-content
- Align-self
- Ex-grow
- Ex-shrink
- order
- Sizing Elements
- Over flow
- Box Sizing
- Content Box
- Border Box
- Media Query
- Media Types
- Media Features
- Width, min-width, max-width
- Height, min-height, max-height
- Orientation
- Combining Multiple Media Features in a single Media Query
- Logical Operators (and)
- Logical Operators (not)
- Logical Operators (,)
React JS - Getting started
In this course, you will learn how to build stateful web applications with the ReactJS library. When you finish this course, you will be comfortable creating an application in ReactJS, from scratch
- Why React?
- Stateful + Stateless components
- Hello World
- Introducing JSX
- Rendering Elements
- Components and Props
- State and Lifecycle
- Handling Events
- Conditional Rendering
- Lists and Keys
- Forms
- Composition vs Inheritance
- Thinking In React
- Styled Components
- Emotion
- Query parameters
- Path parameters
Ecommerce Application
Build an Ecommerce application using React JS
Capstone Project - Build a social networking web app
In this project you will be developing a Social networking web app with popular features like post, comment
- JS
- S3
- Route53
- Cloudfront
- Spring Boot
- Designing & Querying Relational Database
Programming with Python
You will learn the fundamental concepts of programming and gain the confidence to code in Python. You will learn to write programs and use the right data structures to solve problems and build modular software with Object-Oriented Principles.
- Recursion
- Lists
- Tuple
- Sets
- Dictionaries
- Classes & Objects in Python
- Attributes & Methods
- Inheritance & Polymorphism
- collections
- random
- datetime
- math
Developer Fundamentals
You will learn the essentials of Operating Systems, Networks and use some essential developer tools like Command-Line and Git. You'll learn to version your software with Git and push your code to GitHub
- Overview of OS Concepts
- Networks & Internet
- Network Layer
- Application Layer
- Web Servers
- Files & File System
- Managing System Packages
- Environment Variables
- Network
- VCS & Git Repositories
- Staging Area & Commits
Build Your Own Dynamic Web Application
- Data Types
- Variables
- Basic Operators
- Conditionals
- Loops
- Functions
- Arrays
- Objects
- Control Flow
- Comments
- Math Function
- The JavaScript Console
- Introduction to the DOM
- Select and Manipulate
- Important Selector Methods
- Manipulating Style
- Manipulating Text and Content
- Manipulating Attributes
- Local Storage
Todos Application
Build a Todos Application using HTML5, CSS3 and JS
- The form element
- The label element
- The input element
- The option element
- The button element
- The select element
- The textarea element
- Form validations and Input
- Push
- Unshift
- Splice
- Pop
- Shift
- Find
- indexOf
- Concat
- How to add Event Listeners
- Callbacks
- Schedulers
- setTimeout
- clearTimeout
- setInterval
- clearInterval
- Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
- HTTP Requests using Fetch
- HTTP Responses
- Working with JSON data
Wikipedia Search Application
Build a Wikipedia Search Application using HTML5, CSS3, JS
JavaScript Essentials
In this course, you will learn the concepts like Events, Scope, Hoisting, this, ES6 Classes, Error handling, More about Objects and how to handle Asynchronous JavaScript.
- Destructuring Arrays
- Destructuring Objects
- this in methods
- window scope
- this in function declarations
- this in events
- Built-in Constructor Functions
- Constructor Property
- Inheritance
- this in classes
- Async/Await
- Promises
- map
- filter
- reduce
- trim & split Methods
- toUpperCase & toLowerCase Methods
- includes Method
Responsive Web Design using Flexbox
This course will help you to develop responsive layouts using CSS Flexbox and CSS Media Queries.
- CSS Flexbox
- Display
- Flex-direction
- Justify-content
- Align-items
- Flex-wrap
- Flex-row
- Align-content
- Align-self
- Flex-grow
- Flex-shrink
- order
- Sizing Elements
- Over flow
- Box Sizing
- Content Box
- Border Box
- Media Query
- Media Types
- Media Features
- Width, min-width, max-width
- Height, min-height, max-height
- Orientation
- Combining Multiple Media Features in a single Media Query
- Logical Operators (and)
- Logical Operators (not)
- Logical Operators (,)
Node JS
Learn about the incredibly prevalent databases today. Through this course, you'll develop strong fundamentals and be proficient in concepts related to Databases and DBMS. Most importantly, you'll also be able to perform powerful queries on databases using SQL.
- Node REPL
- Modules
- Aggregations
- Usage of NPM Packages
- HTTP Server
- Routes
- Handling HTTP Request
- Preparing HTTP Response
- Integration with Database
- CRUD Operations
- Error Handling
- Middlewares
- Json Web Token(JWT)
- Authentication vs Authorization
- Building Secure Web API with Express
Twitter Web Application
Build your rest web application, A Social Networking platform similar to Twitter using ExpressJS.
React JS
In this course, you will learn how to build stateful web applications with the ReactJS library. When you finish this course, you will be comfortable creating an application in ReactJS, from scratch.
- Why React?
- Stateful + Stateless components
- Introducing JSX
- Rendering Elements
- Components and Props
- State and Lifecycle
- Handling Events
- Conditional Rendering
- Lists and Keys
- Forms
- Styled Components
- Emotion
- Query parameters
- Path parameters
Ecommerce Application
Build an Ecommerce application using React JS
Dive into MongoDB, one of the leading NoSQL databases. This course will help you build a strong foundation and proficiency in concepts related to MongoDB. Most importantly, you'll learn how to execute powerful queries, manipulate data, and manage complex data structures in MongoDB.
- Introduction to MongoDB
- CRUD operations
- Querying Documents
- Aggregations
- Nested Documents
Capstone Project - Movies App
In this project, we will be building a Movies App, where users can log in, view account details, browse movies, including trending ones, and view movie details.
- JS
- React JS
Capstone Project - Tasty Kitchens
In this project, we will be building a Tasty Kitchens Restaurant App. Users will be able to log in, select recipes, add them to their cart, and place orders.
- JS
- React JS